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The Process

Matching Your Clients To Great Agents
Tracking with Transparency
High Referral Fee Payouts


Whenever you come across a client that needs help in another market, simply submit their lead info to LCA Referrals and we handle the rest.


You will always be in the loop and know the status of each referral. Have confidence with our completely transparent tracking system.


Each time a referral closes, you will be paid via check within 7 days. We take care of collecting the fees from the agent/brokerage.

Submit a Referral

Expand your business by having access to referral partner agents across the US. Our nationwide network enables you to find a top performing agent for your client in any market.

So, if you have a client that you are helping with one side of the transaction in your city, you will have an agent in the other market available to assist you. This provides a better service to your client and provides you with an additional stream of income. You are always guaranteed to be matched with an experienced agent that has a track record of success. We provide you with all of their contact information and sales statistics.

Track the Entire Process

You’re always in the loop with LCA Referrals. Each stage of the referral is updated by the receiving agent. The lender can be looped in the process as well, providing an extra layer of transparency and communication so everyone is on the same page. You can access your pipeline of referrals anytime from your computer or a mobile device, making this process even more simple and convenient.

If your transaction has some dependency on the referral agent’s side of the transaction, you can use our platform to exchange documents, updates and more. Say hello being in the loop and goodbye to being in the dark.

Collect Bigger Checks

LCA Referrals handles the entire process of collecting funds from the agent or broker. We pay you within 7 days of escrow closing and funds being disbursed to the agent. So don’t worry about chasing down an agent for referral fees or risking not being paid. With LCA Referrals, we guarantee you are paid.